Toyama Bay

In October 2014, Toyama Bay was formally recognized as a member of "The Most Beautiful Bays in the World Club". From this spot of Toyama Bay, you can take superb photos!! The conbination of Kaio-Maru, Shinminato Bridge and the Tateyama Mountain Range is very beautiful.Oh unfortunately it was cloudy.

This is Kaio-Maru, sailling ship, called Lady of the Sea. Setting with full sails, she is very beautiful!

Today we had a pleasant experience of Uchikawa River Cruise with this seagull!!? We passed under 11 bridges. This cruise takes about 1 hour ,but today we had a stopover at a river-side station.

After strolling around the station, we dropped in a cafe. This building used to be a fishermen's work-hut.

And we ate this one. What do you think it is? Ramen-noodle? Udon-noodle? The answer is …Ramen-noodle with Udon-broth! It's one of this area's special foods. Please try!!
